Color is powerful and emotional. We see and remember colors. We associate meaning with color. We refer to feminine and masculine colors and say some color schemes are exciting and others peaceful. Artists and designers arrange colors on a color wheel to make sense of it all. To start, colors are divided into primary and secondary colors. The secondary colors are made by mixing the primary colors together. Colors are said to be:
- Complementary, which means opposites on the color wheel.
- Analagous colors are those right next to each other on the color wheel.
- Colors are of a high intensity or sometimes called pure compared to gray and neutral colors or colors of a low intensity.
- Colors are called pastel, mixed with white
- Colors are called shades, mixed with black.
Here is the color wheel.
The complimentary colors are yellow and purple, red and green, and orange and blue.
Quicky quiz
- List the primary colors.
- What color is made by mixing the primary colors blue and yellow?
- List the secondary colors
- Name three sets of complementary colors.
- What two colors mixed would make a neutral color.
- Make a color wheel showing primary and secondary colors.
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